Dear, Students
Please allow us to officially notify you that your Student Profiles are now activated and ready to be used. To Check your financial reports, Results, Statements and more, simply open your Chrome (Recommended), type the following:
Always use your ID number at the end of the URL to access your student Profiles.
You can only access your student profiles on your Desktop Computer, ask your admin for permission at Computer Lab or use any laptop. Mobile devices are currently not supported.
NB: Some reports might not be available on your student profiles. Please wait for 2-3 Days.
Student Cards
It is with humble apologies for Student Cards delay, Our ICT is changing it's move to prioritize on service delivery by 2nd Semester. All our students will be invited for a ID photoshoot and students cards will be available by end of June 2023.
ICT Department
Chithi FET College